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Written by Marty Fugate


Imagine an artist who makes Tim Burton look like a sunny optimist and David Cronenberg resemble Pollyanna. Your image might resemble Landon Richmond. His art takes a walk on the dark side. Think lost souls, spectacles of body horror, and alternating intervals of fear, loathing, brooding and torment. Dark indeed. It's not darkness for the sake of darkness, though Richmond would be the first to say he enjoys the midnight realms. But his dangerous visions slap the sleeping mind awake. As the Sufi mystics and Firesign Theatre once asserted, "Everything you know is wrong." Richmond is fond of saying "Know no truth."  The point being: the truth you think you know is an idol. And Richmond's an iconoclast, kids. What icons does he attack? As Brando might put it, "What have you got?" That being said, we tried to stay on Landon's good side. And asked him what started him on his dark path in the first place.


What's your artist origin story?
My first memory of art was my first memory, period. I remember there was a green crayon and a red crayon and I used both in both hands drawing Godzilla. And he was violently destroying a city.

Tokyo would be my guess.
Probably. That was my first memory of art, which encapsulates a certain type of flavor which I've never strayed from. It's more of a darker side of things. As I've grown older, my dark images gained a certain intellectual perspective. I started pointing out aspects of our society and inner thought that needs to be analyzed, confronted and reevaluated.

All the truths we think we know but don't. A healthy inoculation of skepticism.

I assume that's the medicine you offer at Know No Truth Gallery?
Yeah, it's an important aspect of what I do. Bitter medicine but the sickness is worse.

No spoonful of sugar?

OK. So what does "know no truth" mean?
"Know no truth" is my life philosophy and it's how I want people to view my art.

How would you define that philosophy?
When I say "know no truth," I mean don't accept anything as a final conclusion. The instant you think something is the truth, you immediately stop questioning. Why question the truth?

But if you keep looking, if you accept there's no final answer, you realize there's always more depth, more detail, more paradox, more contradiction and more questions. Suddenly things get more fleshed out. Your black-and-white world resolves into shades of grey, and all the shades become more clear. If you reject that philosophy and stick with the easy answers of your "truth," you're forever stuck in a world of ignorance in a bland existence. You keep repeating the same mistakes.

And you want to make new mistakes.

Some mistakes hurt ...
Yeah, they do. Life hurts, no doubt. But that's how you know you're living.

photo by Virgina Hoffman

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